
Dear Families,

Thank you for all that you do!

Student Registration

Registration for new and returning students 

All new and returning K-12 students register at their neighborhood school. You can find your neighborhood school on the School Locator web page.

  • Returning students are students who left PSD and are returning back to a PSD school. Current PSD students do not need to re-register every year to go back to the same school. 

Students wishing to attend a school outside their attendance area must submit a School Choice application.

NEW students to Johnson and PSD register online for the 2023 – 2024 year.  

  • If you have questions about registration, please call the Johnson office at 488-5000.

Registration for PSD students moving to Johnson from another PSD School

  • Current PSD students who are moving to a new school should contact their current school to withdraw and their new school to register. Students moving from elementary to middle school and middle school to high school do not have to contact their schools. Please note that online registration is only for students who are new to PSD. 
  • Fifth grade students will be pre-registered at their neighborhood feeder middle school in February. Fifth grade students will visit feeder middle schools in April. 

  • Eighth grade students will be registered at their neighborhood feeder high school. Contact each high school for registration details.

  • Fifth grade and eighth grade students wishing to attend a middle or high school outside their attendance area (or for a program continuation), must submit a School Choice application.



Kindergarten for 2024-2025 school year

Johnson provides a free, full-day program. Kindergarten Open House for students entering school in PSD in Fall 2024 will take place at Johnson Elementary on Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 5:30 pm

The online registration process for the 2024-25 school year will be available for parents/legal guardians beginning Monday, Nov. 27, to register incoming kindergartners.

In-person registration is also available for families at Johnson Elementary on Wednesday, December 6. Children who will be 5 years of age on or before October 1, 2024, are eligible to register.  

Parents must register their child at their neighborhood school even if they are applying for a school choice option.

When registering a new kindergarten student you will need to provide us the following information:

  • Verification of child’s birth date (birth certificate, passport, baptismal certificate, military ID, original or certified copies acceptable). 

  • Proof of address (a copy of a lease agreement, mortgage statement, utility bill, etc., that shows that the parent/guardian lives at an address within school boundaries)

  • Immunization record or an immunization exemption form

  • Custody documents (if applicable)

Parents/legal guardians of incoming kindergartners should complete online or in-person registration by Wednesday, Dec. 6, to allow schools to determine their classroom sizes, staffing needs and the number of school choice seats they can offer.

Online registration and in-person registration at schools will still be available for families throughout the rest of the year.