Preparing Today's Child for Tomorrow's World

Preparing Today's Child for Tomorrow's World

Help Wanted: New Bike Racks in 2024

Help Wanted: New Bike Racks in 2024

As we strive to create a safe and enriching environment for our students, we are reaching out to you with an exciting opportunity to contribute to the

well-being of our school community.

Johnson Parent Teacher Organization is currently working on a project to purchase new bike racks for our school premises. Encouraging students to bike to school not only promotes a healthy and active lifestyle but also has numerous benefits for our community and the environment. Here are a few reasons why supporting this initiative is crucial:

Promoting Health and Well-being: Biking is a fantastic way for students to stay physically active. By providing sufficient bike racks, we aim to make it convenient for students to choose an eco-friendly mode of transportation and incorporate exercise into their daily routines.

Reducing Traffic Congestion: With more students biking to school, we can contribute to reducing traffic congestion during drop-off and pick-up times. This not only eases the flow of traffic around the school, but also promotes a safer environment for everyone.

Environmental Sustainability: Biking is a sustainable mode of transportation that significantly reduces our carbon footprint. By supporting this initiative, you contribute to instilling environmental consciousness in our students and fostering a sense of responsibility towards the planet.

Building a Sense of Community: Providing adequate bike racks helps create a sense of community within our school. It encourages students to connect with their peers who share similar interests, promoting a friendly and inclusive atmosphere.

Teaching Responsibility: Biking to school teaches students responsibility as they learn to take care of their bikes and follow safety guidelines. It instills valuable life skills and promotes a sense of independence.


To make this project a reality, we are seeking your support through donations. Your generous contribution will go directly towards purchasing

and installing new bike racks, ensuring that our students have a safe and convenient place to park their bikes.

If you would like to contribute, we’ll have a donation page up soon. Every donation, big or small, makes a significant impact on the success of this project.


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