All Johnson students, Pre-K-5, are invited to participate. The goal of Johnson Running Club is to promote healthy lifestyles and physical activity. We want to encourage children to have fun
while running. Maybe your child is an avid runner or maybe he/she would just like a fun thing to do after school. It will give your child the opportunity to meet more children from our school and community and is designed to be a self-esteem builder, giving students the feeling of
achievement when they finish a run and challenging them to improve with each run.
Students must be in good standings with the school to participate. If a student misses more than half of the school day, they will not be able to participate.
We will meet on Thursday after school from 3:15 - 4:15 PM, starting September 5th and end Thursday, October 24th. All students will need a new permission slip for this year.
Go to the Johnson website, the newsletter, or the front entryway and turn it in to Ms. Kaiser, PE
***Running Club will be canceled for rain/lighting - you will be notified by 1 pm
***Pre-K, 1st, and 2nd must have a parent or guardian present
Students need PE shoes, comfortable clothes, and a water bottle.
For questions about Running Club
Contact: Alyssa Kaiser, PE Teacher,